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Unnecessary? Cowering down here in sludge and pollution, conjuring names on screens, learning nothing: that is unnecessary. Give me smallest finger on man's hand. I'll produce information. Computer unnecessary. This face, all that's necessary... all I need.   Posted via email from AvatarNemo's Posterous

A slight case of death

  The Crow written by David J. Schow & John Shirley, from the graphic novel by James O'Barr Top Dollar: Boys, seems our friend T-Bird won't be joining us this evening on account of a slight case of death. Top Dollar: Well, well, well. Devil's Night is upon us ...

Io inaccessibile

In veritร , E' un paradosso tipico dello spirito umano cogliere gli elementi senza poterne abbracciare la sintesi: paradosso epistemologico d'una scienza certa nei fatti, ma comunque insufficiente: sufficiente nelle sue teorie, ma comunque incerta, ovvero paradosso psicologico di un io percettibile nelle ...


Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Philogyny, meaning fondness, love or admiration towards women, is the antonym of misogyny. The term misandry is the term for men that is parallel (equivalent except for gender) to misogyny. The word's origin is from ...
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