Surfin’ Bird

Al di là del fatto che questa canzone è un cult da sempre, voi vi rendete conto di quando l’hanno composta? Nientemeno proviene dal 1963! Credo che solo in america sia possibile tutto questo. Vi consiglio di leggere attentamente il testo qui sotto, è ampiamente degno del più rigoroso port manteau. Il video poi (con intervista finale) è semplicemente da antologia!

The Trashmen – Surfin’ Bird (1963)

Well everybody’s heard about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !

Everybody’s heard about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !

Don’t you know about the bird?
Well everybody’s heard about the bird !

Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Yeah !

Well everybody’s heard, about the bird !

Everybody’s heard, about the bird !

Everybody’s heard, about the bird !
Everybody’s heard, about the bird !

Don’t you know about the bird?
Well everybody’s heard, about the bird !

Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Yeah!


Well everybody’s heard, about the bird !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !

Well everybody’s heard, about the bird !
Yeah everybody’s heard, about the bird !
Everybody’s heard, about the bird !


Don’t you know about the bird?
Well everybody’s heard, about the bird !

Bird bird bird, the bird is the word !
Bird bird bird, the bird is the word ! Go!!

Everybody’s heard, about the bird !
[Repeat 8 times] Yeah!!!

Everybody’s heard about the bird !
Everybody’s heard about … bird !

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