
hip shake

not really a turntable this time either.. more like a toe to head animation for the camera and with pretty high render settings..225 frames @ 512x720 pixelstotal render time: 20 hours 48 min 03 secprogram used:photoshopposerzbrush3ds max Read this article: hip shakethis website

turntable 05

not really a turntable this time either.. more like a toe to head animation for the camera and with pretty high render settings..225 frames @ 512x720 pixelstotal render time: 20 hours 48 min 03 secprogram used:photoshopposerzbrush3ds max Continue reading here: turntable

EINUNDZWANZIGZWöLFZWöLF from Jonatan Schwenk on Vimeo.This is…

EINUNDZWANZIGZWöLFZWöLF from Jonatan Schwenk on Vimeo.This is the opener for a local filmfestival in Offenbach, Germany, which will take place on December 21, 2012. See the MAKING OF here: EINUNDZWANZIGZWÖLFZWÖLF kurze Filme zum Weltuntergang In der längsten Nacht des Jahres zeigt die Filmklasse (Prof. Rotraut Pape) der Hochschule ...
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