
The American public is already worried about AI catastrophe

The American public is already worried about AI catastropheThe American public is already worried about AI catastropheA new report suggests that we expect big advances in software capabilities — and we’re nervous. Source::

The National Vetting Enterprise: Artificial Intelligence and Immigration Enforcement

The National Vetting Enterprise: Artificial Intelligence and Immigration EnforcementThe National Vetting Enterprise: Artificial Intelligence and Immigration EnforcementThe program represents a shift toward moment-by-moment monitoring of immigrant activities during the lifecycle of their interactions with the United States. Source::

Giustizia: Intelligenza artificiale contro avvocati, ecco come è andata

Giustizia: Intelligenza artificiale contro avvocati, ecco come è andataGiustizia: Intelligenza artificiale contro avvocati, ecco come è andataUn algoritmo ha battuto venti avvocati di grido nella revisione di contratti legali coperti da accordi di riservatezza. Si apre una nuova era? Source::

A calm before the AI productivity storm | MIT Sloan

A calm before the AI productivity storm | MIT SloanA calm before the AI productivity storm | MIT SloanThe productivity benefits of artificial intelligence are being masked by a ramp-up period. Source::