
Children of Death

Characters design:real name: Kraven Kraussnick name: Demiseman--------------------------------------species: Grim reaper type: Thanatosgender: male----------------------------------------------main weapon: Fire shadeother weapon: katana & guns--------------------------------------------------occupation: Embassy of Death employee as the death savior division ===============================real name: Gabrielle Nikolaievnanick name: Lady Dead whisper-----------------------------------------species: Grim Reapertype: Keresgender: female---------------------------------------------main weapon: Night scytheother weapon: none----------------------------------------------------occupation: ... Hey, surprise! Humans put out a lot of air pollution and this dirty, polluted infographic will show you just how filthy and polluting the human race really is. Wow, we suck! Infographic Review Infographic Design: B Every infographic doesn’t have to be huge and cause you to ...
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