Ult. Spider-Man Black Cat

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #152 cover

Here’s a recent cover to I drew and inked traditionally using PITT artist pens. I was asked to draw the “Ultimate Spider-Man version of Black Cat“, who’s costume is different than the more “classic BC” I’m more used to drawing. I was going for “clean, simple, striking” and basically an image that I thought would stand out on the shelves, and I’ll admit, I was quite happy with the results, especially with the digital coloring by Justin Ponsor, a colorist I worked with often back in the Danger Girl days.

And would you believe… YES, this is Part 3 of Too HOT for Facebook Week!! I kid you NOT, someone actually complained about this very same image over at Facebook this past week and facebook forcibly REMOVED it and gave me a 30 Day suspension from uploading any new images…. Honest to god!

Enjoy! :)


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